
const utils = require('@browseth/utils');


import utils from '@browseth/utils';

Array Buffers

An Array Buffer is an Array Buffer.

utils.ab . isBytes ( value [, length] )
Checks to see if value is bytes and if it matches optional length
utils.ab . fromView ( view )
Returns an Array Buffer from view
utils.ab . fromBytes ( value [, length] )
Returns Array Buffer from bytes with optional length
utils.ab . fromUtf8 ( value )
Returns Array Buffer from fromUtf8
utils.ab . fromUInt ( value )
Returns Array Buffer from UInt
utils.ab . toUf8 ( value )
Converts Array Buffer into Utf8
utils.ab . toTwos ( value, size )
Converts Array Buffer into a two’s compliment
utils.ab . stripStart ( value )
Strips out the start of an Array Buffer
utils.ab . padStart ( value, length [, fillByte] )
Pads the start of an Array Buffer
utils.ab . padEnd ( value, length [, fillByte] )
Pads the end of an Array Buffer
utils.ab . concat ( values )
Concats an array of Array Buffers


Utilities for manipulating addresses

utils.address . isValid ( value )
Checks if the given value is a valid address
utils.address . from ( value )
Returns an address from bytes
utils.address . fromAddressAndNonce ( address, nonce )
Returns an address from an address and nonce


utils.crypto . keccak256 ( value )
returns the keccak256 of a string
utils.crypto . uuid ( value )
TODO: uuid is meant for internal use. Not working externally yet. returns the uuid of a string


utils.interval . setUnrefedInterval ( fn, delay [, args] )
Sets an interval that dies when the function it’s wrapped in is finished
utils.interval . setUnrefedTimeout ( fn, delay [, args] )
Sets a timeout that dies when the function it’s wrapped in is finished


utils.param . toData ( value, length )
Converts parameters to hex
utils.param . toQuantity ( value )
Converts parameters to hex string quantity
utils.param . toTag ( value )
Converts value into a tag
utils.param . isData ( value [, length] )
Checks if value is data of optional length
utils.param . isQuantity ( value )
Checks if value is a quantity
utils.param . isTag ( value )
Checks if value is a tag
utils.param . fromData ( value, length )
Converts value to uint8Array of length
utils.param . fromQuantity ( value )
Converts quantity to Big Number
utils.param . fromTag ( value )
Converts tag to Big Number


RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) is the main encoding method used to serialize objects in Ethereum

utils.rlp . encode ( value )
Encodes value to Array Buffer
utils.rlp . encodeLength ( len, offset )
Encodes length to Array Buffer with offset

Block Tracker

Poll for blocks every 5 seconds until a block number is confirmed. Use this class to keep track of block(s). Contains #emitter.

Creating Instances

new Browseth.utils . BlockTracker ( requestQueue [, confirmationDelay = 0] )
Request queue is an eth reference. The confirmation delay is the minimum number of confirmed blocks until the block is considered confirmed.


prototype . addTracker ( key [, options] )

Track a block.

Options may have the following properties:

  • synced – ‘latest’, ‘earliest’, or block # to track (defaults to ‘latest’)
  • confirmationDelay – minimum # of confirmed blocks until tracked block is considered confirmed
prototype . syncBlockNumber ( )

Sets the latest block number

emits ‘block.number’ with block # passed to the event callback

See #emitter

prototype . syncBlocks ( )

Syncs blocks to latest block

emits ‘block’ for every synced block - block is passed to the event callback

See #emitter

Transaction Listener

Monitor transactions

Creating Instances

new Browseth.utils . TxListener ( ethRef )
Create new TxListener object with eth reference.


prototype . listen ( txHash ): <Promise>

Listen for a transaction until it is mined. Returns a promise that resolves to a transaction receipt.

If the listener does not see a receipt after 30 minutes it throws assuming the transaction has been dropped from the network

import Browseth from '@browseth/browser'

const beth = new Browseth('https://mainnet.infura.io');

const txListener = new Browseth.utils.TxListener(beth);

    .then(receipt => console.log(receipt))
    .catch(e => console.log('Transaction dropped!'))


Subscribe to value changes with callbacks

Creating Instances

new Browseth.utils . Observable ( value )
Create new Observable object with the value to watch.


prototype . subscribe ( fn )
Add function to list of callbacks on value change. returns function to used unsubscribe function
prototype . set ( newValue )
Set the new value to watch. Triggers subscribed functions
prototype . get ( )
Gets the current watched value.
const observable = new Browseth.utils.Observable('123');

const unsubscribe = observable.subscribe(() => console.log('This is an example'));

observable.set('456');  // Sets new value and logs 'This is an example'

unsubscribe(); // unsubscribe earlier subscribed function

observable.set('78'); // Will set new value with no callbacks

observable.get(); // returns '78'


Add events with callbacks and trigger those callbacks by emitting events.

Creating Instances

new Browseth.utils . Emitter ( )
Create new Emitter object.


prototype . on ( event, fn )
Add event label and provide callback
prototype . off ( event, fn )
Remove callback from an event
prototype . onEvery ( fn )
Provide callback for every emit
prototype . emit ( event [, params] )
Emit an event and pass parameters to the callbacks
const emitter = new Browseth.utils.Emitter('123');

emitter.on('test', () => console.log('example'));

emitter.onEvery(() => console.log('example2'));

emitter.emit('test') // Console logs 'example' and 'example2'