
Unit conversion library

import * as units from '@browseth/units';

You can also import specific functions

import {etherToWei, conversion} from '@browseth/units';

units . convert ( fromUnit, value, toUnit )
convert unit of value to unit
units . etherToWei ( value )
convert value in ether to wei
units . gweiToWei ( value )
convert value in gwei to wei
units . weiToEther ( value )
convert value in wei to ether
units . toWei ( fromUnit, value )
convert unit of value to wei
units . toEther ( fromUnit, value )
convert unit of value to ether
units . unitToPow ( unit )
returns the power of the unit relative to wei
Supported Units:
wei, kwei, ada, femtoether, mwei, babbage, picoether, gwei, shannon, nanoether, nano, szabo, microether, micro, finney, milliether, milli, ether, kether, grand, einstein, mether, gether, tether