
There are two types of methods that can be called on a Contract:

A call method may not add, remove or change any data in the storage. These methods are free to call.

A send method requires a fee, but may change the state of the blockchain or any data in the storage. These methods must be made by a transaction and mined before any changes to the state are made. Therefore, these methods are subject to fluctuating gas prices, network congestion, and miner heuristics.

import Contract from '@browseth/contract';

Creating Instances

new Contract ( ethRef, contractAbi [, options] )

Options may have the properties:

  • bin — contract binary (required for contract deployment)
  • address — address of already deployed contract - .send() and .call() will default to this for the {to: address} option

Deploying Contracts

prototype . construct ( [params] )
Takes in constructor parameters for the deploying contract returns send() and gas() methods
. send ( [options] )
deploys contract and returns transaction hash
. gas ( [options] )

returns the estimated gas for deploying the contract

Options may have the properties:

  • chainId — set contract binary for contract deployment
  • gasPrice — set gas price in wei for transaction
  • gas — sets the max amount of gas for the transaction
import Browseth from '@browseth/browser'
import Contract from '@browseth/contract'
import PrivateKeySigner from '@browseth/signer-private-key'

const beth = new Browseth(eth_rpc);
beth.useSignerAccount(new PrivateKeySigner(PRIVATE_KEY));

const contractInstance = new Contract(beth, contract.abi, {bin: contract.bin});
const txHash = await contractInstance.construct().send({ gasPrice: 10000000000});